Project Breakdown
Confused Media
Website Design & Build
Role: Webmaster, Designer
Founders: CLJ & JH
Content writer & Storywriter: CLJ
Illustrations: Meriah Still & Yilin Wang
Animations: Meriah Still & Yilin Wang
The goal of a website build for Confused Media Inc. was to showcase the company’s animation and story telling skills. Confused Media Inc. wanted to make an interactive experience in which the users can vote for their favourite stories and accompanying illustrations to be made into future animations.
1. Wireframes/annotations
-reference research
-sketches to determine simplest, most user friendly design
-wordpress theme chosen
-had to design within coding limitations
-photoshop wireframes/annotations
2. Asset collection from team
-website content
3. Cpanel + SSL installation
4. Design – colour palette
5. Site build
-Wordpress CMS
-1000+ lines of custom CSS
-hundreds of lines of custom HTML
-plugin research & implementation/customization
-find solutions to functionality problems
-implement paypal
-work with team around asset revisions
-revise content to make UX friendly
-collaborate with various theme & plugin developers
to solve functionality/UI problems
-minor javascript and PHP edits to theme/plugin files
-responsive CSS
6. UI Revision
After writing so much CSS I felt much more comfortable to tackle a nicer design that was much more difficult to code and previously out of my skill set. I designed another mock up in photoshop and then wrote the appropriate CSS.
7. Google Analytics
-found open-source PHP code to create own plugin for WordPress
8. Cross Platform
Creation of:
-Yahoo email
-Google+ page
-Facebook page
-Twitter page
9. Site Launch!
Check out the live site here: